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Allied Surge: Pyongyang Falls, UN Sweep to the Yalu October 1950

Allied Surge: Pyongyang Falls, UN Sweep to the Yalu October 1950

"Allied Surge: Pyongyang Falls, UN Sweep to the Yalu October 1950" narrates a critical phase of the Korean War, detailing the UN Command's strategic advances post-Inchon Landing. Under General Douglas MacArthur, the UN forces, including the US X Corps and the Eighth Army, pushed northward, capturing Pyongyang and moving towards the Yalu River. Despite China's warnings and eventual massive troop deployment into North Korea, this volume captures the bold UN push that momentarily tipped the scales, setting the stage for the complex international dynamics and enduring tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
China Invasion: People’s Liberation Army Crosses the Yalu October 1950–March 1951

China Invasion: People’s Liberation Army Crosses the Yalu October 1950–March 1951

"China Invasion: People’s Liberation Army Crosses the Yalu October 1950–March 1951" explores a pivotal shift in the Korean War, as Chinese forces enter North Korea, overturning UN advances. After MacArthur's push north, China's ambushes and strategic assaults force UN troops into retreat, notably at the Chosin Reservoir. This volume highlights the transition from UN dominance to a fierce battle for survival against a formidable Chinese military presence, marking a critical juncture in the conflict's trajectory.
Echoes of the Coventry Blitz

Echoes of the Coventry Blitz

With the digital juxtaposing of archival images with photographs taken by the author himself for this publication, and drawing from contemporary press accounts of the Coventry Blitz, this book presents a totally unique comparative insight into the Nazi bombing of Coventry in the Second World War.
Inchon Landing: MacArthur’s Korean War Masterstroke, September 1950

Inchon Landing: MacArthur’s Korean War Masterstroke, September 1950

"Inchon Landing: MacArthur’s Korean War Masterstroke, September 1950" recounts the pivotal counteroffensive led by General Douglas MacArthur, turning the tide of the Korean War. Despite skepticism from Washington and logistical challenges, MacArthur's daring plan for an amphibious assault on Inch’ŏn succeeded. The surprise landing on 15 September allowed US forces to recapture Seoul and break the North Korean siege of the Pusan Perimeter. This bold maneuver not only pushed North Korean forces back across the 38th Parallel but also marked a significant shift in the war's momentum, reinstating the South Korean government in their capital.
Irgun: Revisionist Zionism 1931–48

Irgun: Revisionist Zionism 1931–48

"Irgun: Revisionist Zionism 1931–48" offers an insightful look into the Irgun Tsvai Leumi's radical campaign for an independent Jewish state, from its founding by Ze’ev Jabotinsky to its pivotal role in the lead-up to Israel's establishment in 1948. Covering key events like the King David Hotel bombing, this book navigates the fine line between terrorism and freedom fighting, shedding light on the group's legacy and its impact on modern Israeli politics.
Malayan Emergency: Triumph of the Running Dogs 1948–1960

Malayan Emergency: Triumph of the Running Dogs 1948–1960

"Malayan Emergency: Triumph of the Running Dogs" delves into the 1948-1960 conflict in British Malaya, where the Malayan Communist Party waged a guerrilla war for independence against British colonial forces. Utilizing training and arms initially provided by Britain during WWII, the conflict signified a tumultuous chapter in the struggle for self-determination, involving a broad coalition of Commonwealth forces in a protracted counter-insurgency operation.
North Korea Invades the South: Across the 38th Parallel June 1950

North Korea Invades the South: Across the 38th Parallel June 1950

"North Korea Invades the South: Across the 38th Parallel June 1950" details the outbreak of the Korean War, highlighting the North's aggressive invasion that shattered peace and marked a turning point in Cold War dynamics. President Truman's response, under a UN mandate, led to General Douglas MacArthur's command of forces in Korea, facing an unprepared American military and international tensions. This book sets the stage for a conflict that entrenched North-South divisions, examining the pivotal events and geopolitical implications that resonate to this day.
North Korean Onslaught: UN Stand at Pusan August–September 1950

North Korean Onslaught: UN Stand at Pusan August–September 1950

"North Korean Onslaught: UN Stand at Pusan August–September 1950" details the critical phase of the Korean War where UN forces, including US, Australian, British, New Zealand, French, and Canadian troops, faced a relentless North Korean advance. This volume focuses on the desperate defense of the Pusan Perimeter, highlighting the strategic significance of this last stronghold against the North's overwhelming military push. The narrative underscores the high stakes and the coalition's efforts to hold the line in one of the war's most intense battles.